The trailer of the comedy film ‘Takatak 2’ has been released. In this film the female characters in the film utilizing as sexual objects. In this film, we will see Milind Zember Kade’s adult comedy film that comes with a surprise set to hit this year after getting a backlash having the content.
As it’s expected the sequel of the film Takatak 2 continues with several notches that are higher and also gives such a sleazy and cheap affair having the name of adult entertainment.
The story of the film follows old age. The character of Prathamesh Parab with his two college friends becomes desperate having such a problematic path having a girlfriend with the only person. As the film unleased the female character as sexual objects. Beyond the outdated adult one-liner, the film also set to resort to some cheap toilet humor that faces body shaming. This is very interesting to see Parab play the character of such a desperate young man. The acting skills and dialogues delivery are set to appear repeatedly. Having the Purple Bull Entertainment, the new sequel just generated by Reliance entertainment.
The trailer is very colorful that starts with forgetting about past mistakes, and focusing on the present. The trailer reveals in the seas you may get a boat, or your journey ends at the bank, and soon it reveals a beautiful lady. The friends of Prathamesh say things are easy just move straight forward to the girl.
The funny dialogue is literally very attractive. The film is mainly a commercial ride of romance, and entertainment, there is a couple who are romancing on the roof. The teenagers also enjoyed the fun ride. The young men start streaming his love in a car. A friend of his says a real word that honeymoon in daydreaming always stays as a dream.
The three friends make a plan to do something. The story takes the saddest turn when it comes to the mother’s sentiment while a son starts to shame his mother’s job, and saying his mother is dead that’s really very hurting for her. However, the film is a blend of fun romance and full enjoyment.
Takatak 2: Release Date
The funny romantic drama film will hit on 18th August 2022.
Here is the trailer: