Qualcomm has unveiled the latest generation of its processors for wearables including the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 and Snapdragon W5 Gen 1. The Oppo Watch 3 series, which will be launched in August, will be based on Snapdragon W5.
The new Snapdragon wearable platforms are based on a hybrid architecture and are based on a 4nm node. They employ a 22nm highly integrated always-on co-processor as well. The Oppo’s Associate Vice President and President of IoT Business, Franco Li, refers to the Oppo Watch 3 as a series, implying there will be multiple models in the lineup.
OPPO Watch 3 Specs & Features
According to reliable tipster Digital Chat Station, from Oppo’s home country, China, the Oppo Watch 3 series will comprise three different models. They will bear the model numbers OWW211, OWW212, and OWW213. He states that the Oppo watches will come with minimum bezels and a high screen-to-body ratio. They will flaunt a “micro arc square dial design”. The smartwatches will come in black, silver, dark grey, and light gold colour options.
New enhancements to the flagship Snapdragon W5+ platform offer 50% lower power, 2X higher performance, 2X richer features, and 30% smaller size, compared to the company’s previous generation SoC. Based on the hybrid architecture, the purpose-built platform is comprised of a 4nm-based system-on-chip and 22nm-based highly integrated always-on co-processor.
According to Qualcomm, two reference designs for wearables based on the new platforms have been created by Compal and Pegatron. These designs will help customers develop products faster, the company added.
“The announcement of the latest Snapdragon W5 wearable platform will bring smart wearable technology to a new level,” said Franco Li, OPPO Associate Vice President, President of IoT Business. “OPPO and Qualcomm Technologies have closely collaborated for a long time, creating new possibilities of product innovation together.
The company has also confirmed the name of the Oppo watch ahead of the event. It will be called Oppo Watch 3 and the wearable will arrive in August this year. It will be a successor to the Oppo Watch 2 wearable that was launched back in July 2021 in China, and the company is now gearing up to announce the upgraded version.