Despite reportedly planning some hardware launches in 2023, including the debut of a periscope zoom lens on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, the tech giant has plans to cut back on some teams’ recruiting and investment. This rumoured move is the result of a prospective economic slump that has severely affected the United States and has compelled businesses like Tesla to carry out large layoff procedures.
According to the most recent information, which was released by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple is not anticipated to apply this slowdown to other departments, and the debut of the AR headset will not be impacted.
“The decision stems from a move to be more careful during uncertain times, though it isn’t a companywide policy, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the deliberations are private. The changes won’t affect all teams, and Apple is still planning an aggressive product launch schedule in 2023 that includes a mixed-reality headset, its first major new category since 2015.”
Another explanation could be the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which led Apple to cease sales in Russia.
The California-based corporation is also aiming to move the production of its iPad line out of China because it has experienced supply chain problems in the past as well.
Apple has not explicitly denied this, but a recent deconstruction suggests that the company may be employing a single NAND flash on the M2 MacBook Air to reduce costs in light of the current economic downturn. Remember that using a single NAND flash harms read and write performance.
There are currently severe inflationary pressures on the global economy. According to projections, global inflation will reach 6.7 percent in 2022, which is twice the 2.9 percent average seen between 2010 and 2020. A 2022 U.N. Economic Analysis study that was released in June of this year stated that headline inflation in the United States has reached the greatest level in four decades.
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