As we are standing at the end of season 3 of The Boys series, there are many people who want to know the platform to watch the show for the next time. The third season has ended along with a couple of such big moments that can take us into Season 4. At first, there is a decision between Homelander and Starlight. Kripke told, “I think we have both Homelander and Starlight in really interesting places from where Starlight set to leave The Seven and mainly become one of The Boys.”
He also added, “But even more than that, there is a young left-wing liberal group that follows her that will have both benefits and after that also has many complications as Homelander are finding that with his group called the Home teamers, there are like this very kind of right-wing MEGA group.
I think we are starting to see which you’ll see a lot more of in Season 4-you are starting to see a lot more of in Season 4-you are starting to see this notion of society itself featuring in these two factions. I don’t think either side is totally innocent. I think they’re not listening to each other, and they are just calcifying and getting more and more irate with the other and that just can’t be good. It’s kind of a sneak to peek of one of the big themes for Season 4.”
In focusing on American politics, the vision between Homelander and Starlight is a pretty obvious direction to go, and it has been considered that Homelander just blew the head off of a Starlight supporter in the eighth episode. While things are happening Infront of cameras in between people with several political parties as the main focus. We are expecting that the next season mainly focus on the Presidential election.
At the end of the third season, The Deep killed Lamar Bishop, who has in line to become Dakota Bob’s running mate along with the presidential election. She is mainly a plant that belongs to Vought which means Vough will have a huge amount of political power if they are elected.
Kripke told that “I don’t think it’s much of a spoiler to say that we are definitely working towards a Dakota Bob presidency with Neuman as a secret Vought plant in the vice presidency, and all the complications that ensue from that,” he continues, “That obviously was probably garth’s biggest endgame story. It’s definitely not a spoiler to say that. You’ve seen us maneuver the chess pieces into that place so we can start telling that story.”
According to Mat Elfring, “The Boys continues to be one of the best superhero TV series. It’s a series that knows its identity and leans in hard to it every single season. It continues to grow and change the world it lives in without using that identity either. The cast delivers some of the best performances of the series here as well. The Boys Season 3 is a must-watch for summer viewing.”
A big thanks for the source.