After several controversies and many rumors, at last, Taapsee Pannu’s ‘Shabaash Mithu’ has got an official trailer playing the role of the former captain of the Indian Women’s Cricket Team, Mithali Raj. The film revolves around the life of popular and passionate women cricketer Mithali Raj, now the firmer captain of the Indian Women’s Cricket Team. In international cricket, Mithali Raj completed her precious 23 years and also has made over 10,000 runs in ODI, and broken a few records. In this film, we will be going to witness the journey of the cricketer against all of the odds.
The talented and gorgeous actress Taapsee Pannu will play the role of Mithu, a girl who always wants to be a cricketer. A lady dreaming to be a cricketer is still not taken in a good manner, and like others, she also has faced much criticism except her coach, that’s played by Vijay Raaz. He also reveals that potential in her and just takes her on the board as the girl’s cricket team.
In every step, she has been bullied and also ridicules, but coal can be converted into a diamond if it stays under huge pressure, so for Mithu the criticism makes her more strong as she learned to stand tall against all of the mockeries, and bloom herself against the society. The film is going to be a promising biopic.
The two minutes and forty-four-second trailer reveals Taapsee in action on the fields, hitting fours and sixes randomly. Soon, the trailer moves to the childhood of Mithali, a Tamilian girl who has caught on to the wrong foot when she catches a ball and stuck by her elder brother. At first, her elder brother noticed her talent, and she starts training, she just looked down on her fellow trainees like the ‘English Medium’ girl. The trailer grinds the struggles, and also even raises also her voice for getting team jerseys in their own names.
Earlier Taapsee Pannu dais, “There are cricketers who have records under their name. There are cricketers who have a tremendous fan following. There are cricketers who inspire you and make you believe that if they can you! And then there’s style and also changed the game of the cricket where the presence of women is concerned.”
She also added, “Not just in our country but she will be remembered for her glorious journey of 23 years for a bit on camera which taught me so much about resilience and perseverance. She is truly a legend we can never thank enough. “
Shabaash Mithu: Release Date
Shabaash Mithu will be going to drop on 15th July 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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