Sarkaru Vaari Paata starring Mahesh Babu and Keerthy Suresh created a massive roar at the box office. After its theatrical success, Sarkaru Vaari Paata came on Prime Video where viewers got early access to the movie through Movie Rentals. The film revolves around Mahesh aka Mahi (Mahesh Babu), who believes financial discipline is a must. However, he faces some unexpected situations when he meets Kalaavathi (Keerthy Suresh) and Rajendranath who don’t value money much. Mahi’s heart beats for Kalavathi, but little did he know that the love of his life will ‘con’ him. And that’s how a journey of action, humor, drama, and emotions begins.
Here we present 7 engaging things from the movie that make it a must-watch:-
Mahesh Babu’s Charm, Action and More Action
The charm and presence that Mahesh Babu brings onscreen is a reason enough to attract viewers. But the excitement for Sarkaru Vaari Paata has leveled up as it is filled with action. When we say full of action, we mean it! In every alternate frame, Mahesh Babu leaves you awestruck with his kicks, punches, slaps, and power-packed action sequences. One of the scenes where Babu smashes the enemy’s face with a bunch of keys leaves viewers with goosebumps. In another scene Mahesh Babu is seen getting off a moving bike, hitting his opponent with the helmet, and going on to fight his rivals in a breath of a second, it just looks effortless done by him. TBH, this HERO roars like a ferocious lion, who fears no one and nothing. Do wrong to him or in front of him, and you’ll have it in no time! Watching a charming man like Mahesh Babu fight enemies with manic anger, surely makes the screen scorch. If action and good looks are what matter to you, Sarkaru Vaari Paata should top your Amazon Prime Video watchlist this June.
Keerthy Suresh CONQUERS it all!
Keerthy Suresh does conquer Sarkaru Vaari Paata, but not only with her acting mettle, rather her ‘conning skills.’ Yes, Keerthy plays a con woman in the film and unlike others, is gusty enough to con Mahesh Babu. Backed by her corrupt father, she threatens him with dire consequences after she fails to repay a borrowed amount. You wouldn’t want to miss Keerthy as a sweet-spoken and pretty-looking con woman.
Dhamkedaar Dialogue-Baazi
If not the most important, dialogues are one of the most important parts of a project. After an amazing viewing experience, the dialogues stay with the audience and have a recall value in the long run. If we ask you to list five of your favorite dialogues, we’re sure you’re not going to take more than 5 minutes! That’s the power of captivating dialogues. Sarkaru Vaari Paata has some amazingly written and delivered dialogues that’ll stick to your mind for longer than you think. As the trailer commences, you hear Mahesh Babu going, ‘You can steal my love, you can steal my friendship, but you can’t steal my money!’ Another dialogue that leaves us bewildered is, ‘A loan is like a daughter sir, nobody here seems to behave like a daughter’s father!’
Powerful Antagonist
A tough protagonist needs a powerful antagonist to prove he’s the HERO of the film. Sarkaru Vaari Paata does it right! Actor Samuthirakani, known for his diverse roles in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam films, is seen as a haughty and arrogant MP and industrialist – Rajendranath. He is shown as the typical protective father of the lead character Kalaavathi (Keerthy Suresh). With anger in his eyes and pride on his face, Rajendranath proves he is the villain of SVP. Be his verbal spats or fights with Mahi, Samuthirakani tries to make everyone believe that there’s no one better than him. Samuthirakani absorbs the character so well, that after a point even you’re angry at him.
Backed by Talented Craftsmen
Actors are the face of the film, but directors and producers are the brains behind it. While a director shows the path, producers believe in the film. In this case, Sarkaru Vaari Paata is very lucky. SVP’s ship is backed by some talented captains. The film has a strong backbone with Parasuram holding the directors’ chair, and the who’s who coming together to finance it. Touted as one of the best directors, Parasuram has aptly conveyed the film’s message with incredible visuals. On the other hand, Naveen Yerneni, Y. Ravi Shankar, Ram Achanta, and Gopichand Achanta have produced the film.
Exceptional Supporting Cast
A good supporting cast is important to push a film’s narrative ahead. Without them, the story feels somewhat incomplete. Sarkaru Vaari Paata has an exceptional supporting cast that includes Vennela Kishore (Mahi’s friend), Sowmya Menon (Kalaavathi’s friend) Nadhiya (Senior Bank Official Rajakumari), and Subbaraju (Rajendranath’s brother-in-law) play supporting roles. All of them have added different flavors to the film, making it a masala entertainment.
Experience Mahesh & Keerthy’s sizzling chemistry in the MURARI VAA song
Music and dance complete a project and Sarkaru Vaari Paata makers have hit the stop with some soulful compositions. Among others, the most-talked-about is a song added to the film 10 days after its release, Murari Vaa. Murari Vaa tugs at your heartstrings with its catchy music, especially the flute and violin score, which makes the experience all the more special. With an exquisite backdrop, Mahesh and Keerthy catch eyeballs with their vibrant outfits and sizzling chemistry. The beautiful choreography and the actor’s coordination are as smooth as butter.
Murari Vaa has some easy-to-do dance steps that will make viewers want to put on their dancing shoes too! Sung by Sruthi Ranjani, Sri Krishna, M L Gayatri, and written by Anantha Sriram, Murari Vaa has become one of the favorite love songs of recent times.
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