Kollywood’s famous stars Gopichand and Rasi Khanna going to collaborate for the upcoming film, ‘Pakka Commercial Trailer’. The makers have dropped the trailer on the occasion of Gopichand’s birthday on 12th June 2022. The trailer has been captioned by UV Creations as ‘The GAME Starts Now. Here is a FUN & ENTERTAINMENT FILLED #PakkaCommercialTrailer.”
After watching the trailer, we can say that the entertainer from Gopichand really becomes the main focus for the audience. He is playing the role of a lawyer who is obsessed with money more than justice. The gorgeous actress Rashi Khanna will be appeared in the role of an assistant lawyer and become the hero of the film. This is the third time that the famous duo is collaborating in Pakka Commercial as they already revealed the screen space in movies like Jil and Oxygen.
Pakka Commercial Trailer: Plot
The Telegu trailer starts with Gopichand’s lawyer avatar, he is making an entry into the court with style. He seems like a hero, but now, he is a villain who is fond of money rather than justice. The South Indian film means a lot of heart-warming actions. In this film, there are many comedic scenes contained in the film. The lawyer first confirms the deals of money and then thinks about justice. The trailer contains many comedic scenes of Gopichand.
After that, we have seen the appearance of his assistant lawyer, Rashi Khanna who is exactly the opposite of Gopichand, and five priority justice first than money. It will be good to say that the film has no hero but a heroine.
However, we all know the opposite attracts so when the chemistry in Between the Gopichand and Rashi Khanna starts, they are doing romance with a comedic touch. The item song of the film becomes very popular. Things become worst when he became much greedy for money and starts to fight for the criminal until he faces off one of the strong competitors in the court.
He has seen in a power-pack actions film. The funniest sequence is had you seen a hero is asking for a selfie from such criminals whom he has been beaten within few seconds, and bring his girlfriend with umbrella with coconut to watch those scenes.
Pakka Commercial Trailer: Cast
The brilliant filmmaker, writer, and producer Maruthi is popular door his successful movies containing Kotha Janta, Bhale Bhale Magadivot, Mahanubhavudu, and many more, the director of the film. The popular producer from South India Allus Aravind produced the film under his production house Geetha Arts, that’s also known as GA2 Pictures and just collaborated along with UV Creations to make this film.
Beyond Gopichand and Rashi Khanna, in the lead role, Pakka Commercial also cats Sathyaraj, Rao Ramesh, Saptagiti, and Anasuya Bharadwaj in the supporting roles. Last time, Gopichand was seen in the 2021 sports action dram Seeti Maar the opposite Tamanaah Bhatia and Diagangana Suryavanshi, and in this highly action featuring Aaradugula Bullet opposite Nayanthara. It seems that both of the films got mixed responses from the audience and critics.
Pakka Commercial Trailer: Release Date
The film will release on 1st July 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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