For any publicly traded company, its relation with the shareholders is very important and that’s why such companies hold events to directly share their progress as well as their ambition with their shareholders. Well, the semiconductor giant AMD, held the Financial Analyst Day back on March 5, 2020, since then they haven’t held any.
So, finally, AMD has declared it would be hosting the upcoming AMD Financial Analyst Day via Live Webcast on June 9. Also, if you do look upon the company’s key women to bring back to the limelight i.e. Dr. Lisa Su, AMD’s CEO and Chairmen will be there as well.
Along with the CEO, you will also hear from CTO Mark Papermaster, CFO Devinder Kumar, and other senior business leaders who will share AMD’s vision to drive growth, market expansion and financial performance based on the strongest portfolio of high-performance and adaptive computing solutions in the industry.
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2022
Time: 12:30pm PT
Livestream Link: