The trailer of Nushrratt Bharuccha’s upcoming comedy film, ‘Janhit Mein Jaari’ has been dropped. The new comedy film has been written and produced by the man who previously gave many unique films like Dream Girl and Raaj Shaandilyaa. The message of the film will definitely help people to open their eyes and give the hypocrites a big slap.
The story of the film is based on a small-town India that provides a social message to the audience, it revolves around a woman who starts working at a condom company, and as usual, got disapproval from her peers.
Janhit Mein Jaari: Plot
The trailer of the film opens with Nushratt Bharuccha, who has come into an office for a job and gets an offer of 40,000 rupees per month, but while she asks about the job, the interviewer shows her a condom and says she has to work on it. After listening to it she become very angry and shouted at him, and give a slang, ‘Saale Buddhe’, that is looking very funny. Actually, she has been appointed to work in a condom company named ‘Small Umbrella’. However, she starts to work in the company, and after that, the neighbor in the area starts to see her with a different eye.
The film contains funny moments, especially in the wrestling scene. They become worse when she starts to look to get married, At the first meeting with the fiancé’s family, they were not aware of Small Umbrella company, and think it is a normal umbrella company, but the man knows what is it, and he becomes ready to marry her, and the romance begins between them. However, the man keeps it a secret, and marries her, while the family comes to know about her job they start to show and the fiancé’s family just does not appreciate her line of work.
The film also features such cringe humor and reputed actors like Brijendra Kala and Vijay Raaz already get a huge appreciation for the acting. The new trailer ends up by providing a sudden public service message, while Nushratt provides a sermon to such of the other characters and shows the importance of condoms. In this case, she opens up about the unwanted pregnancies that result in abortions, and she also even figures to take her claims. In the trailer she stated,” Mardon ke liye shayad yeh sirf ek zarurat hai, aurton ke liye zaruri hai,”
Nushrratt’s last film, Chhorii also ends with a social service message.
Janhit Mein Jaari: Release Date
This film will hit cinemas on 10th June 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.