At last the first teaser of Om: The Battle Within featuring Aditya Roy Kapoor and Sanjana Sanghi has been released. The makers mean Zee Studios and Ahmed Khan had earlier teased Aditya’s dangerous look. In the video, Aditya has been seen to play the role of a soldier who is all ready to fight and sacrifice his life for the nation.
The new teaser has been packed with the different high-octane sequences like Aditya who just beats up the people by firing the guns at random. There is no prize for guessing, it seems like Om will participate in the latest slew of the chest-thumping patriotic movies.
Aditya who has been accelerated for the movie also had such earlier opened up based on his journey and gruelling workout regime. He is saying,” it’s been an incredible journey, and it gives me great joy to share the journey, and it provides is a great joy that share a glimpse of the movie along with all of the fans.
This is nothing but an attempt that has been rewarding and very challenging. Thanks, foes to my director and producers for their support, I am sure the audiences are going to love all the elements of this wholesome entertainer!”
The debutant Kapil Verma shares,” This is my first venture into the world of Hindi films, and it’s been an incredible journey so far. With incredible actors and technicians on board, IM: The Battle Within is such an intricately designed canvas for all of the film buffs out there. We cannot wait to present the film to the audiences.”
Now Zee Studios and Ahmed Khan present A Paper Doll Entertainment Production that is made by Zee Studios, Shaira Khan, and Ahmed Khan.
Om The Battle Within Release Date
The film has set to release on 1st July 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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