In 2016, the first film of Doctor Strange was released, we have seen for the first the Ancient One exposed Stephen as the universe that they occupy is that only none. Now we are standing in 2022, and the new Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the good doctor and faces a reckoning for the actions in the last spidey film Spider-Man: No Way Home.
The last time we have seen Marvel’s dream trailer that starts start with the nightmare of Dr. Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff. The new trailer starts with terrible darkness covering Sanctum Sanctorum. As the door opens and reveals long stairs going upwards and the sorcerer lying on the floor seems to be in big pain and unveils his daily nightmare.
As we see the nightmare takes him to the time of the wedding ceremony as Strange’s feelings for Christine Palmer come to the forefront but in the first film of Strange we had seen that he lost her love before he becomes that much powerful.
In the end, Strange has taken the path of magical life after she decided to move on with someone else, now Strange is unable to stop dreaming, as in the multiverse nothing seems to be impossible. After that, the trailer reveals a black cloud covering a city that we also have seen in the last Doctor Strange trailer as the entry of Scarlet Witch.
On the other side Marvel’s powerful lady sorcerer, Wanda Maximoff also gets such haunted nightmares as Doctor Strange. After watching the trailer we can assume that somewhere Wanda and Doctor Strange are connected as she also experiencing the same situation, as the trailer reveals every morning, Scarlet Witch also gets a nightmare about returning her kids.
She has seen her two kids Billy and Tommy Maximoff calling her for help. The new trailer reveals a version of Wanda communicating with Billy and Tommy at the Westview home.
Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch’s dialogue have become the same as both of them say, “ I’ve been dreaming, the same dram, and every morning, the same nightmare.” It now gives a clear indication that Wanda desire to reunite with Billy’s band, Tommy.
In this trailer, Nightmare seems to be more powerful. We can say a nightmare is a Dream Dimension. This is the nightmare that gives Dr. Strange the pain of losing her love in a moment, and on the other side, it also takes Wanda’s kids in the hopes of luring Scarlet Witch like it wants to get some of her tremendous power.
One thing is confirmed as Scarlet Witch is dreaming about her children that make sense about their real existence somewhere in the Dream Dimension. If we take Nightmare as a key to return her children then she can go to any extent to reunite with her sons.
Doctor Strange: Creatures
The new trailer also represents Wong who believes the trio is the fate of the multiverses and once again reveals a one-eyed monster looking like an octopus throwing a bus at Strange, and Strange is just defence for him. We have seen Wong is also who can control the multiverse.
In a scene we have Wong has been ready next to Scarlet Witch to stop someone in front of them we have seen a creature behind Wong, we have seen that creature also in the posters and the last trailer in a beast look, it may be Chthon, there are many theories exist about this creature. Chthon is mainly a creature from the Darkhole, and is seen in the book Wundagore mountain which is the place where Wanda was during her post-credit scenes of Wanda Vision.
The book has been closed for centuries until it has been discovered and its dark and dangerous magic was revealed. In the comics, Chthon mainly inhabited the body of Quicksilver who is the brother of Wanda Maximoff. We can be wrong the creatures may be guard dogs in the area and Wong and Wanda are trying to resist the person to enter the area.
At the latest TV spot, we can see that Strange also increases against his former mentor Mordo that has been played by Chiwetel Ejiofor as well as it flashes such a fight with Shuma-Gorath along with more reality breaking special effects with a fantastic look as Strange at the defender’s costume.
For coinciding with the new footage, Marvel Studios also unveiled a series of new posters that starring the portraits of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange and Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch. We will also see Rachel McAdams as Christine Palmer, Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez, Benedict Wong as Wong, and last Ejiofor’s Mordo.
A big thanks for the source.
Read: The New Marvel trailer shows how Doctor Strange & Wanda’s dreams Become a Nightmare for them