WhatsApp’s voice message functionalities were enhanced for its users on Thursday. Users will now be able to listen to voice messages at various speeds. Users can also preview voice messages before sending them through the messaging application.
WhatsApp said the new features will be rolled out in the coming weeks.
Here are WhatsApp’s six new voice message features:
- Out of Chat Playback: Listen to a voice message outside of the chat so you can multitask or read and respond to other messages.
- Pause/Resume Recording: When recording a voice message, you can now pause the recording and resume when ready, in case you’re interrupted or need to gather your thoughts.
- Waveform Visualization: Shows a visual representation of the sound on the voice message to help follow the recording.
- Draft Preview: Listen to your voice messages before sending them.
- Remember Playback: If you pause when listening to a voice message, you can pick up where you left off when you return to the chat.
- Fast Playback on Forwarded Messages: Play voice messages at 1.5x or 2x speeds to listen to messages faster on both regular and forwarded messages.
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