Apple just unveiled its new Mac Studio, which includes the company’s latest M1 Ultra chipset. The new chip outperforms the old M1 Max chip, turning the Mac Studio into a capable workstation. The M2 processor, which will power the upcoming MacBook Air and a new version of the 13-inch MacBook Pro, is currently being developed by Apple. More information about the M2 MacBook Air and Pro launch may be found by scrolling down.
Apple will release its reported MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro with an M2 chip later this year, according to a fresh report from 9to5Mac. Ming-Chi Kuo’s latest claims about the MacBook Air, according to the publication, are erroneous, since the analyst indicated that Apple will employ an M1 chip or its enhanced version in the MacBook Air.
While analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes that the new MacBook Air will have an updated M1 chip, our reliable sources have told us that the machine is being developed with the new M2 chip.
Codenamed J413, the next-generation MacBook Air is expected to be released in a single version featuring M2.
According to the newspaper, Apple will drop the “Pro” designation from the 13-inch MacBook Pro and instead use the “MacBook” branding scheme. It’s worth noting that Apple previously offered a 12-inch MacBook that was never updated in terms of style. As a result, Apple may be trying to put it between the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro versions.
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard information about the new MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro. The MacBook Air is expected to be completely redesigned with an M2 processor. The M2 processor is expected to have the same number of CPU cores as the M1, but with extra GPU cores.
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