After getting the successful launch of Lost Ark in North America, the developers declared that more content will be on the way at the regular cadence starting in March along with the new story and raid content.
It seems that Lost Ark has been dropped in South Korea back in 2019 and also has the head start on content that also has yet to be released In the North American version. According to the developers, there is a “ wealth of content present in the Korea version that has yet to make its way to the western shores of Arkesia.”
It seems that however this content also will be dropped starting this month while there is a new storyline and raid will be released like the changes and the fixes.
At first, the new storyline also has been revealed that the new quests, islands and cinematic to Lost Ark. It seems that the quest also will be followed a cast with the new returning characters and also will focus on the Sidereals and also has the legendary Kadan and there is the first guardian slayer.
It seems players also will need to finish Felton and the quests “Yorn-Let There Be Light,”, “Whispering Islet-Start of our Story,” and “Illusion Bamboo Island – End of the Trials,” ached of able to get the latest quests.
There is also the second major content in addition in March and also will be the new Abyss Raid, Argos. It seems that the end game raid is very similar to Guardians raid from where players need to work jointly to defeat the Guardian just before time runs out. It seems that the eight-party content will battle a much bigger boss along with the three phases and also will drop the reward at which it can be claimed once a week.
It seems that Argos also will be available at the Abyss Raid Statue located along with Lost Ark’s several major cities.
Lost ark is mainly a dungeon-crawler MMO that is currently free to play on PC. At the launching, time Lost Ark soon became Steam’s second most played game along the wall of the time and it is looking like there will be a lot of content set to come in the future to keep the hands of the players busy.
A big thanks for the source.
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