At last, the first teaser of Ekta Kapoor’s new web series Apaharan 2 has been revealed. It seems that the second chapter also contains the actioner just like the first season. It also has been contained a lot of dialoguebaazi along with fantastic action. It seems that the latest short promo reveals Arunoday Sing’s police avatar Rudra Srivastav who has been looking off and also has been sprouting such desi lines with full spice in what you also can assume for taking an attempt with such other of the Bhojpuri accent. It seems that this time he is working on another mission on his hands chasing a deadly bad guy for the catch.
Apaharan 2: Plot
The story of the series depicts that the daring cop Rudra Srivastav has been returned who is a combination of soft heart but angry mind. He is known as UP’s famous kidnapping specialist who does not believe in luck and this time fate will give him a terrible war. This time the cop will do such fantastic action. He is also known for his nabbing and kidnapping skills. This time there is a new battle start to wage.
The new promo has been revealed a largely positive response so far along with the audiences who are thinking Ekta Kapoor is mainly fetching back the show. “Am so excited. Thanks, Ekta ma’am” wrote as a user. There is another mentioned, “finally Season 2 is back, on the best platform, Voot Select.”
Apaharan 2: Teaser
The one-minute teaser opens with a police siren and reveals if only the villain got the thrill and hit from the hero then the picture will be hit if the two the hero and the villain both face the trouble then the show is superhit. It seems that no one has seen the face of the villain and the villain is on the mission to harm the entire country. The twist is the cop is also terrified to face off the villain as the cop thinks that the government should send an army instead of him and he finds himself very unfortunate.
The teaser shows that the cop is facing a terrible struggle to face off the villain. While someone is dreaming about a fake passport to upgraded pistols but he gets something else as he has not been expected.
It also contains many funny scenes as the cop comes to the store and asks for the owner and uses slang, the wife of the owner called the owner and says that someone Is using slang on him. In the background of the teaser, there is running the 90’s hit song “Monica Oo My Darling”.
It ends with a dialogue, “ Ye Apaharan h dosto, yaha sabka katega”.
Apaharan 2: Cast
This second season will feature Varun Badola, Mahie Gill, Monica Chaudhary, and Nidhi Singh’s insignificant parts. It seems that show had met along with the mixed reactions from the audience and also from the critics.
Apaharan 2: Release Date
First, the 12 episode series was released in 2018. The exact release date of the second chapter has not yet been confirmed.
Here is the teaser:
A big thanks for the source.
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