NVIDIA unveiled its flagship GeForce RTX 3080 Ti laptop graphics chip on Tuesday. Geekerwan, a Chinese YouTuber, published a video shortly after the announcement displaying the first images of the Ampere GPU that powers the new laptop powerhouse.
Nearly three years ago, Twitter leaker koptie7kimi mentioned the GA100, GA101, GA102, GA103, GA104, GA106, and GA107 variations of an unnamed future NVIDIA Ampere series. On the comprehensive list of upcoming RTX 30 series graphics cards, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti GA103 was included. The GPU, on the other hand, has never seen the light of day until now.
NVIDIA unveiled its flagship GeForce RTX 3080 Ti laptop graphics chip on Tuesday. Geekerwan, a Chinese YouTuber, published a video shortly after the announcement displaying the first images of the Ampere GPU that powers the new laptop powerhouse.
Nearly three years ago, Twitter leaker koptie7kimi mentioned the GA100, GA101, GA102, GA103, GA104, GA106, and GA107 variations of an unnamed future NVIDIA Ampere series. On the comprehensive list of upcoming RTX 30 series graphics cards, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti GA103 was included. The GPU, on the other hand, has never seen the light of day until now.
Only a 256-bit interface is available on NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 3080 Ti laptop graphics card. However, until NVIDIA releases the official block diagram of their new GA103 GPU, this information is inconclusive.
Geekerwan employs a novel approach to displaying the GA103’s position in the yet-to-be-released lineup. The chip appears to be used just by the RTX 3080 Ti Laptop graphics processor, while the RTX 3070 Ti card continues to use the GA104 GPU that drives the RTX 3070 series cards.
According to Geekerwan, the GA103 graphics card has a surface area of 496 mm2, which is 26.5 percent larger than the GA104 card, which has 25 percent more cores. NVIDIA has not stated what its goals are for the GA103 desktop computer series. Certain GA103 GPUs are expected to debut in the RTX 3070 Ti series in the future. According to VideoCardz, NVIDIA will have to sell dedicated chips with unusable CUDA cores in the future.
After months of no one confirming with photographic proof, Twitter user Olrak discovered a picture of the GA107 graphics card earlier today. Because it has a different nomenclature, this chip is not the official sale model but an engineering sample.
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