Peacock has released the first official trailer of ‘Fresh Prince’ drama reboot ‘Bel-Air’. The trailer reveals the first actual footage of the series that also features the newcomer Jabari Banks as Will. It is an hour-long series that shows Jaberi Banks as Will. It is also based on Morgan Cooper’s famous fan movie that will re-envision the original series that also has been hailed from Jada Pinkett Smith and Westbrook Studios and Universal Television.
It just has got the two-season order in September 2020. It also includes the credits of T.J. Brady and Rasheed Newson, which also contain The Chi and The 100 and also serving as executive producers and co-showrunners, Morgan Cooper who is directing and also serving as co-writer and executive producer.
Bel-Air: Plot
The story revolves around modern-day America, Bel-Air that has been serialized one hour dramatic analog of the great ’90s sitcom that has been leaned into the original premise like the complicated journey of Will from the streets of West Philadelphia and gated the mansions of Bel-Air. After the collision of the two worlds, Will just reckons with the strength of the second chances when it has been navigating such conflicts, emotions, and also biases of the world far different from the one and only he is ever known.
The trailer also reveals Jaberi Banks who is getting into trouble with criminal gangs and moves with the uncles in Bel-Air for reconstructing his life. Banks are falling into the pool and also around him, we can also see such objects that are really a part of the story. Finally, banks come to the golden throne when a crown is falling into his head just alluding to the new life in Bel Air.
Bel-Air: Cast
This series is featuring Adrian Holmes as Phillip Banks, Cassandra Freeman as Vivian banks, Olly Sholotan as Carlton Banks, Coco Jones as Hilary banks, Akira Akbar as Ashley Banks, Jimmy Akingbola as Geoffrey, Jorden L. Jones as Jazz, and Simeone Joy Jones as Lisa.
Cooper is serving as the director, co-writer, and also the executive producer with the co-showrunners and executive producers T.J. Brady and Rasheed Newson.
Bel-Air: Release Date
This series will premiere on 13th February 2022 on Peacock.
Here is the trailer:
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