At last, the teaser of Vijay Devrakonda and Ananya Pandey featuring the film Glimpse of Liger has been released. It is the first video of Liger that has introduced Vijay Devrakonda as a boxer. This film has marked the film of the Telugu actor’s Hindi film. This film just not only is released in Telugu and Hindi then the movie will also release in Tamil. Malayalam, and Kannada.
It seems that the first glimpse reveals the snippets of the journey of Liger. It depicts the story of a ‘Chaiwala’ in Mumbai and becoming a professional boxer, and after that competing, he will compete in the US. This video has started with an announcer who is standing in a ring and also introducing Vijay as the ‘boy from India, the Slumdog of the streets of Mumbai, the Chaiwala, Liger.’
The short glimpse also reveals the struggle of Liger to make an end to meet, and also his training with the character of Ronit Roy like his fights in the streets and trains of Mumbai and also has such glimpses of his journey into the boxing ring. In the first teaser, we have not seen the young talent, Ananya Pandey. This film is going to be a power pack action film.
After sharing the first glimpses on Instagram, Karan Johar wrote: “Presenting the #LigerFirstGlimpse – packed with action & thrill. This Is just beginning, we will see you in cinemas on 25th August 2022! #Liger #VaatLagaDenge.”
A glimpse of Liger: Cast
The first movie is directed by Puri Jagannadh and also returned by actor turned producer Charmmekaur. Apart from Vijay and Ananya, this film also will star Mike Tyson. The entire team has shot with him in the US earlier this year and also has been shared such images from the same social media.
A glimpse of Liger: Release Date
This movie has yet to hit the theatres in August 2022. Earlier, this year there are also some rumors that the movie has been received directly on the OTT streaming offers. The actor recently dismissed such claims on Twitter.
Vijay has dropped a post on the platform which said, “ Vijay Devrakonda and Puri Jagannadh’s Liger received a huge OTT offer of rupees 200 crores for the direct digital release a and also for the satellite rights in every language. The makers are literally considering the offer.” He also wrote, “ Too little. I’ll for more in the theaters.”
The first look imposed that Vijay Devrakonda is a cross between a tiger and a lion. Vijay shot to fame after getting success of the Telugu movie Pelli Choopulu in 2016, He then starred in a string of films, and also one of which was Arjun Reddy, that was later adapted in Hindi as Kabir Singh with Shahid Kapoor in the lead role.
Here is the teaser
A big thanks for the source.
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