The new trailer of the Indian Bengali Web Series ‘Gora’ has been released. It will hit on HoiChoi. We will be going to see Ritwick Chakraborty in such lead role of the detective. The world has seen that Bengali novels have given many popular detective characters like Byomkesh, Feluda, and Kakababu & Santu. This time HoiChoi has come with the story of the new private detective. It is expected that it will get a huge response from the audience.
Gora: Plot
The story of the series revolves around the life of a man who has such physical limitations. It does not stop him as his skills are more strong than the limitations and he has all been set to prove that. His life of him is just like a journey n of showing his skills that will take him to the next level to uncover something terrible. We have to wait to see if he stay safe and opens up everything or he will fail.
Gora: Trailer Details
Hoichoi has recently dropped the two-minute thirty-six-second-long trailer that starts with Ishaa Saha who has come to someone and given self-confession that she will be going to kill someone very soon. After that, it shows a dead body and the nip of the ink pain dropping into the glass of water. Actually, she comes to the detective Gora which has been played by Ritwick Chakraborty.
The trailer describes that he is the crazy detective who forgets the cases that he has been solved but he is a determined detective who has caught many killers and solved many cases. The cop is describing the case that is based on the killer who has killed three writers one by one.
It shows that the killer first harms the body by using the nip of the ink pen and after that, the killer picks up the teeth one by one from the mouth and replaces it with the nip of the pen that is so terrible. The cop becomes worried about the next target of the killer and that Gora tells them that the next murder will happen tomorrow.
After that, it shows Ishaa who has been revealed that after two days of her marriage her old illness has come back which is sleepwalking. After marriage, she never visits her father’s house so Gora suggests, she should go to her father’s house and spend two days and check she is still walking in the sleep or not and after that, she discovers that she just only walk in sleep in her husband’s house, that is suspicious. Gora relax her that she did not kill anyone and he is in search of the actual culprit. The trailer ends with the speech of Gora that he is speaking to someone, “ The easy case can not be solved.”
Gora: Cast
This series is featuring Ritwick Chakraborty, Ishaa Saha, Suhotra Mukhopadhyay, Payel De, Koushik Chatterjee, Ananya Sen, and Abhijit Guha. The series has been directed by Sayantan Ghosal. The story has been written by Sahana Dutta. Missing Screw is producing the series.
Gora: Release date
This series will hit on HoiChoi on 7th January 2022.
Here is the trailer
A big thanks for the source.
Read: “Kakababur Protyaborton”: The film of Bengali detective Kakababu is set to release in 2022