Amazon Prime Video has dropped the Hindi language trailer of the action film Mortal Kombat. This film is basically debuted the red band trailer. It is the latest live-action film that is just about the latest in the long line of the films and TV shows that have been sprung from the video game franchise about the same name.
It has been seen that Mortal Kombat is definitely one of the many Warner Bros films that have set for the day and date releases on HBO Max and also in the theatres, and has been joined to the other big tent poles just like The Matrix 4, Godzilla vs. Kong, and The Suicide Squad.
Mortal Kombat: Details
It is a new Mortal Kombat that has been directed by Simon McQuoid who also has been attached with the long greeting live-action film scene since 2016 along with the producers James Wan. McQuoid also will be directing from the script written by Greg Russo and Dave Callaham. Now it has been revolving around Mortal Kombat that also have been scarce up until the point.
It is sure, that we have seen that the new poster for the film and the plenty of the casting details, from where the story is concerned, it has been crickets. There is also a ton of the fan-favourite Mortal Kombat characters presenting that Ludi Lin as Liu Kang, Joe Taslim as Sub-Zero, Josh Lawson as Kano, Tadanobu Asano as Raiden, Jessica McNamee as the Sonya Blade, and they all will be engaging in the hand to hand battles to get the gruesome pretty quick.
The trailer also looks frankly, pretty great. There is a certain more grounded nature for the film than the 1990s version, and also but McQuoid, and Co. It is also very wisely made the decision to lean into the iconography of the game with the lines just like “Get over here!” and “Finish him!”|. It is indeed that the ending of the trailer is seriously very pure catnip for the fans, and Warner Bros was very smart for releasing the trailer as a red brand does for the fans that can see that the R-rated adaptation for holding back.
Mortal Kombat is now available on Amazon Prime Video and also in the Hindi language
Here is the trailer:
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