Bhediya, the upcoming Bollywood film’s first look has been revealed, starring Varun Dhawan. The poster features Varun Dhawan and the eyes of the actor look really ominous. The release date of the film has also been announced. The film is going to release exactly one year away from the poster release i.e. 25th November 2022.
Varun Dhawan has shared the look on Instagram with the caption that reads,”#BHEDIYA A piece of me #Bhediyafirstlook In cinemas 25th November 2022.” In the comment section of his post, Alia Bhatt has showered a bunch of fire emojis while Abhishek Bachchan has congratulated Varun Dhawan with a few applause emojis.
The film Bhediya is going to be produced by Dinesh Vijan and directed by Amar Kaushik of Stree fame. Amar has said in a statement, “Bhediya is a tale filled with awe-inspiring imagery. Each and every member of the cast and crew knew that we were crafting something very special. It’s not just the path-breaking VFX; the film is a feast for the eyes in every aspect possible.”
The film Bhediya is now working with Hollywood’s visual effects studio Mr. X for VFX of the film. While talking about the VFX studio Dinesh Vijan has said in a statement that “Mr. X has been a pioneer in the industry, having created some of the most spellbinding visual masterpieces of recent movie history. Ever since we conceptualized Bhediya, we knew our film needed the expertise of Mr. X to weave that epic scale.”
The film Bhediya also stars Kriti Sanon in the opposite lead role along with Varun Dhawan.
Varun Dhawan was last seen in the film Collie NO 1 made by David Dhawan, along with Sara Ali Khan. Apart from Bhediya, Varun Dhawan is also going to star in an upcoming film named Jug Jugg Jeeyo along with Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor.
Read:- Jug Jugg Jeeyo: Karan Johar has officially confirmed the release date