The teaser of Susmita Sen’s upcoming film Aarya 2 has been released, and it also has provided such with enough glimpse for getting the audience excited about the latest season. The teaser has exposed her covered in gulaal like she is walking with a vengeance in her eyes.
We have previously seen that the first season of the series has been concluded with the decision of Aarya for packing up and leaving the country with her kids. In contrast, she has got a call from the mob, who is consistently tracking her at every step to bring back the money they had gained from her family. In 2020, Aarya became the most popular and we series that got a tremendous response. The second season of the series is under the making of quite of while despite the pandemic.
This series features Susmita Sen in the lead role, and in the supportive role, we will see Sikander Kher, Chanrachur Singh, Namit Das, Jayant Kriplani, and Manish Choudhary. Many characters died, and also some of them were arrested at the ending of the first season. It has been directed by ram Madhavamni, and the series has got a nomination at the International Emmy Awards with the Best Drama Series category.
We are talking about the comeback of the second season of Aarya; Madhvani has said that the love and appreciation that they had got post the release of the first season was very heartwarming, and that made us for wanting to make the second season with all of the core love and labour.
The series’ nomination in the Best Drama category at the International Emmy Awards has reaffirmed the faith in the story that they have set out to tell. She has faced many challenges at every step of the way, like she is forced to walk to the fine line in between keeping her family alive and also seeking revenge.
In an earlier video on Instagram, Sushmita has shared with her entire fans about the amount of love and appreciation given to Aarya. At the same time, they come back to you for loving the second season. For all the good things, one has to wait. The shooting for the second season has been wrapped up in August.
Ram Madhvani had also ben twitted “ the journey of #aarya2 has been tough, scary but fun! The ‘new normal in life resulted in a lot of struggles as we chose to do what we were passionate about. But what makes that worthwhile like the team you journey with, and I am grateful to each and every one of these passionate people. Without their dedication and work ethic, we would not have completed shooting #Aarya 2 safely!”.
The release date of the second season of the series has not yet been declared.
Here is the teaser:
A big thanks for the source.