On Thursday, Shehnazz Gill has too to Instagram and shared that she is all set to a tribute song for her late friend Siddharth Shukla. The film Honsla Rakh actor has finally broken her silence although she has maintained a long silence on social media since the demise of actor and good friend Sidharth Shukla.
Shehnaaz Gill shared a poster of the song “Tu Yaheen Hai”, her “heartfelt tribute” to Sidharth Shukla. The singing track is going to release on Friday. The poster features the two of them enjoying a hearty laugh. Shehnaaz shared it along with a caption that read, “Tu mera hai aur …………………… @realsidharthshukla #Sidharthshukla ♥️♥️🌟”
Shehnazz Gill and Sidharth Shukla both have first met each other in the Bigg Boss 13 house, while they are locked up inside. Their friendship has grown during the course of the show that has also been witnessed by the audience. It has also been heard that they both are dating each other.
Shehnazz Gill has also remembered Sidharth Shukla during the promotions of her recently released film named Honsla Rakh. She said, “I was the heroine of Bigg Boss, hero was someone else.”
Sidharth Shukla has died on 2nd September at the age of 40, in Mumbai.