Redmi Watch 2 was launched on Thursday — alongside the Redmi Note 11 series. The new smartwatch, which is the successor to the original Redmi Watch, comes with a larger AMOLED display over a TFT screen available on the earlier model. The Redmi Watch 2 also carries up to 12 hours of battery life. Alongside the Redmi Watch 2, Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi launched the Redmi Buds 3 Youth Edition as its new truly wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds. The new model is claimed to deliver up to 18 hours of battery life and Bluetooth v5.2 connectivity. So let’s know more about it.
Redmi Watch 2
The major upgrade on the Redmi Watch 2 comes in the form of a display. The wearable packs in a 1.6-inch AMOLED display which outputs richer colours. The watch also comes with a narrow bezel and a larger screen-to-body ratio compared to the last-gen. For context, the Redmi Watch was launched with a 1.4-inch square TFT LCD screen. The watch supports over 100 watch faces as well. Another major addition comes in the form of a SpO2 sensor that helps in tracking blood-oxygen levels.
Further, the smart wearable comes with features like a 24/7 heart rate monitor, step counter, sleep tracking, and it supports up to 117 sports modes which is a big jump from just 11 sports modes on the Redmi Watch. The budget wearable also packs in built-in GPS which means you can take the watch and leave your phone behind to track your run or walk.
The watch comes with the ability to show notifications from the phone and also it features NFC for payments in China. The watch weighs only 31 grams and comes with interchangeable staps as well. On a single charge, the Redmi Watch 2 is rated to last up to 12 days and there is also a 5ATM water resistance rating.
Redmi Buds 3 Youth Edition
Redmi Buds 3 Youth Edition is also out. We can also call it Buds 3 lite. The brand highlights their comfort and how stable and small they are. Bluetooth 5.2 has been added to them, which means they will always be ready to sweat, and they have the fastest and most stable connection available today. An important detail is that they are IP54 certified.
The TWS earbuds based on Bluetooth v5.2 connectivity also carry a charging case with USB Type-C charging support and a touch control button. Redmi claims that the Redmi Buds 3 Lite are capable of delivering up to 18 hours of total usage time with the charging case.
Redmi Watch 2, Redmi Buds 3 Lite price
Redmi Watch 2 price has been set at CNY 399 (roughly Rs. 4,700). The smartwatch will be available for purchase in China in Black, Blue, and Ivory dial colours starting November 11. It will also have Brown, Olive, and Pink strap shade options. The Redmi Buds 3 Lite, on the other hand, carries a price tag of CNY 99 (roughly Rs.1,200) and will be available in the Chinese market from Thursday itself.
Details about the price and availability of the Redmi Watch 2 and Redmi Buds 3 Youth Edition in global markets including India are yet to be announced.
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