The All India Football Federation (AIFF) is hosting the inaugural Hero Futsal Club Championship 2021 in India. The Futsal tournament will be held from 5th November to 13th November in New Delhi. The Futsal Club Championship is the first of its kind tournament organized by AIFF in India on a national level.
A total of 16 top Futsal teams from across the nation will be participating in the competition and will be divided into four groups. The tournament will be held in a round-robin format with each group winner qualifying for the semi-final.
Here are the 16 clubs for the Futsal Club Championship 2021:
- Baroda FC (Gujarat)
- Chanmari Zothan Futsal (Mizoram)
- Kuppuraj FC (Puducherry)
- Super Strikers FC (Karnataka)
- Speed Force FC (Telangana)
- Sporting Clube de Goa (Goa)
- Delhi FC (Delhi)
- Real Kashmir FC (Kashmir)
- Telongjem FC (Nagaland)
- Classic Football Academy (Manipur)
- Mangal Club (Odisha)
- Niaw Wasa United Sports & Cultural Club (Meghalaya)
- Bengaluru FC (Karnataka)
- TRAU FC (Manipur)
- Mohammedan SC (West Bengal)
- Sudeva Delhi FC (Delhi).
ANI quoted AIFF President Praful Patel saying on the announcement of this exciting tournament: “The inaugural edition of the Hero Futsal Club Championship is a part of AIFF’s effort of holistic development for the development of the sport in the country. I would like to congratulate the 16 teams for coming on board and wish them good luck for the Championship.”
AIFF General Secretary Kushal Das said: “The Futsal Club Championship is another feather in the AIFF’s cap. The first edition is just the beginning and will go a long way in improving the technical skills of the players. I urge all State Associations to conduct Futsal Leagues with good participation from local clubs. Good luck to all participating clubs.”