Motorola has launched a new budget smartphone in India. The Motorola Moto E40, which was unveiled earlier this month in international markets, comes to India as a budget smartphone under Rs 10,000. It has a Unisoc processor under the hood and packs a large battery as well. The smartphone competes against the likes of the Realme Narzo 50A, Redmi 10 Prime and Motorola’s own Moto G30. The device will be available for purchase via Flipkart. Let’s take a look at the Moto E40 price in India, specs and other details.
Motorola Moto E40 specifications
Motorola Moto E40 comes with a 6.5-inch HD+ IPS LCD display with 90Hz refresh rate support. It is powered by a Unisoc T700 octa-core 1.8GHz chipset and comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage that is expandable up to 1TB. The phone is powered by Android 11.
Coming to the camera, the phone comes with a triple camera setup on the back with a 48MP main camera, and a depth sensor and macro sensor. There’s also an 8MP front camera for selfies and video calls which will be embedded in a center-mounted punch-hole. The phone also packs a 5,000mAh battery with a USB Type-C port for 10W charging.
There’s a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor as well and the phone’s dimensions stand at 165.1×75.6×9.1mm, while it weighs 198 grams. Connectivity options include 4G LTE support, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS/A-GPS and FM radio. It also comes with IP52 dust and water resistance rating. Motorola has also thrown in a dedicated Google Assistant key which will be handy if you use the service a lot.
Motorola Moto E40 pricing in India
Motorola Moto E40 price in India has been set at Rs. 9,499 for the lone 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant. The phone comes in Carbon Gray and Pink Clay colours and will be available for purchase through Flipkart starting 12am on October 17. The Moto E40 was launched in Europe last week, with a price tag of EUR 149 (roughly Rs. 13,000) for the same 4GB + 64GB configuration.