On Twitter today, Intel’s Vice President Gregory Bryant has recently shared the first official image of Intel’s new Alder Lake CPUs. In the images, an Intel employee can be seen holding two Alder Lake chips, and both the front and the rear of the large CPU are shown. Both the sides are designed to be housed in a new, larger LGA 1700 socket.
We have recently seen tons of unofficial pictures of Alder Lake, however, this new Twitter post provides a strong hint that the new CPU is almost here and we don’t have to wait much longer.
However, for now, what we got is only the pictures of the CPUs but we didn’t get any information related to the official releases date for the new architecture, but at least he told us a release is “coming soon”.
If we want a more accurate release date than according to rumors the most probable release date is either November 4th or 19th for Intel’s 12th Gen Core Alder Lake CPUs. And the interesting part here is that this rumor could be true since the new Z690 motherboards have started to appear near online retailers, and more leaked benchmarks have appeared in the wild.
Intel’s upcoming Alder Lake is probably the most exciting CPU launch we’ve seen in a long time from Intel. The lineup comes with the new architecture marking Intel’s first steps beyond 14nm in the desktop market, as well as some other major improvements.
Not to mention the fact that the latest processor family will also be the first to support the newer and faster DDR5 memory which combined could make 12th Gen the best gaming CPUs on the market at least until AMD releases its Zen 4. And the inclusion of PCIe 5.0 also gives the new CPU line up an edge over its competitors.