Last month, OPPO unveiled ColorOS 12 based on Android 12 in China. According to the update schedule shared by the company, the flagship OPPO Find X2 series, which were part of the Early Access program are supposed to receive closed beta builds in October. As we have now entered the said month, the firm has already opened as well as closed registrations for the first batch in China.
OPPO has also released the Android 12 based ColorOS 12 upgrade internal test recruitment for the Find X2 series smartphone users. According to the official announcement post (via ITHome) on OPPO Community China, the company has started registrations for the first batch of ColorOS 12 closed Beta update for the OPPO Find X2 series. However, the company has already begun the Android 12-based ColorOS 12 beta rollout for the Oppo Find X3 Pro users.
Recruiting models:
- The Find X2
- Find X2 League of Legends S10 Limited Edition
- The Find X2 Pro,
- Find X2 Pro Lamborghini Edition
It is expected that the review will be conducted in batches within 5 working days after the recruitment ends. ColorOS 12 beta comes with all the new features OPPO showcased last month, including several visual upgrades, new features like FlexDrop and Smart Sidebar 2.0, performance improvements, and privacy and security features.
Next month, these phones will enter the public beta testing alongside the OPPO Reno6 series in China. At present, we are not sure when the international variants of these handsets will be treated with the latest version of ColorOS.
OPPO plans to release ColorOS 12 to over 110 devices, covering more than 150 million users globally. This will make ColorOS 12 the fastest and widest-reaching update in the company’s history. OPPO plans to share details about the international rollout timeline at the upcoming event.
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