WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are facing outages in service over different parts of the world. The social media platforms which are under Facebook are down for a while now in different countries across the world.
Facebook has also commented on this outage. “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on it and we’ll get it fixed as soon as we can,” a message on the Facebook website said.
In India, users are facing this outage on social media platforms from around 9 PM IST. Users are posting their experiences and concerns on this outage on Twitter.
“The website downdetector.com, which tracks web services, also reported a sharp spike in complaints by users. The portal showed there were more than 20,000 incidents of people reporting issues with Facebook and Instagram.” confirms NDTV.
Messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Messenger are down for over 14,000 users and 3,000 users respectively worldwide. The numbers are surging with the passing time. At this time of writing the article the outage prevails.
Users can not access any social media platforms which are especially under Facebook. People are concerned about this outage and the company has yet not clarified when it will become normal like usual.