Apple unveiled the iPhone 13 at its September event on Tuesday. The new iPhone lineup, which includes a standard, Mini, Pro and Pro Max version. Rumors from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman said we won’t see a foldable iPhone, said to be called the iPhone Flip, for another two to three years, so it wasn’t a surprise when it didn’t make an appearance at Apple’s September launch event. But, that hasn’t stopped the buzz about the possibility of a foldable iPhone.
We’ve been following reports of a foldable iPhone for years. Way back in 2017, it was predicted that a foldable iPhone could be coming in the futuristic-sounding year 2020. Obviously, that didn’t happen. Analysts and leakers have been kicking the release date down the road ever since, and rumors and wish lists have simmered.
It’s no secret Apple has its sights set on a foldable iPhone. The company has been registering patents for foldable mechanisms and devices for almost a decade now with no launch date in sight. Interestingly, formerly renowned industry analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also announced that the foldable iPhone would arrive in 2023. As per industry experts, Apple is working on two types of foldable, the whose upper and lower sides meet each other and one whose right and left sides meet each other much like Samsung Z Flip and Z Fold.
The flexible panel helps create LG, which has experience and expertise in flexible matrix manufacturing. At the moment, there is a prototype of a 7.5-inch screen with thin bezels around the perimeter. Apple’s novelty could be the first on the market to receive a new type of OLED panel. Apple’s first folding iPhone is expected to be a clamshell smartphone.
According to his forecast, shipments of iPhones with flexible displays in 2023 should be 15-20 million units. At first, Apple will not be able to beat Samsung in the foldable niche. Even after the launch of the foldable iPhone, the South Korean giant’s share will not fall below 75%. In total, 90 million foldable mobile phones may be delivered to the market in 2023, and 100 million in 2025.
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