Currently, the world’s biggest manufacturer of semiconductor chips is the Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company and the latest information about the company claims that it’s soon to be established the United States facility will be undergoing a serious management shakeup.
TSMC had partnered up with Jiangxi Hantang System Integration Co., its longtime cleanroom equipment supplier, And the supplier is responsible for equipping for the new facility completed in the state of Arizona.
According to sources the latest shift in the management at Hantang Is a result of a bid to replace the company’s current Management by its largest shareholders. This was brought about by the death of the company’s founder in 2015 which further resulted in the majority of shares being transferred to his widow. the current manager of the company is Mr Cao Shui Chen, and its current general manager is Mr Bai Chen Chen. these two are known for their close relationships within the company and they both have worked with the company to help set up its chip fabrication facility is in the island country of Taiwan.
According to sources, it was Mr Chao Shui, who took over the reins of the company after its founder had step down from his responsibilities in the year 2014 due to cancer. But the founder of the company was unable to make his come back and died a later due to the disease.
this resulted in Mr Chao Shui Taking over the complete reigns of the company. But now that the current chairman of the company is soon to retire and With the return of the company’s founders widow, the entire board of directors has been shaken and the future of the company’s existing contracts is in uncertainty. this includes the establishment of the United States facility in Arizona.
The Widow of the company’s founder is not only the largest shareholder of the company but is also planning to incorporate four new executive members to the board of the company. The fear with the investors of the company now is that the sudden change In the company’s board members will result in the loss of cooperation in projects such as cleanroom facilities.
This is a great deal of worry for the Taiwan chip manufacturer who is expecting to start the mass production of its current leading-edge technology which is the 5nm chip manufacturing node. for more details stay tuned.