Intel’s biggest rival, Advanced micro devices have recently revealed many new advancements in the field of GPU’s and CPUs. The company has successfully managed to take a lot of market share under the feet of its rival Intel. And according to the latest information, it seems that AMD is finally ready to launch their CDNA 2 architecture-powered Instinct MI200 accelerator.
This information comes from the company’s investor presentation which was held earlier this month and we are also hearing rumours that AMD CDNA 2 Instinct MI200 accelerator Will be relying on tsmc’s 6 NM or 7 NM Technology.
Some reports suggest that the release date of this new architecture will be by the end of 2021. Here’s what AMD’s CEO, Dr Lisa Su had to say about the future of AMD and about what CDNA2 will look like:
Last year, we talked about our first-generation CDNA architecture. This year, as I said, we’re putting together our next-generation CDNA architecture. This is a key component that enabled us to win the largest supercomputer bids in the US around the Frontier Oak Ridge National Labs instalment as well as the Lawrence Livermore National Labs instalment with El Capitan and many others.
But it’s a coherent interconnect between CPUs and GPUs that allow us to fully optimize for HPC and AI and ML applications. And we will be launching the next generation of that architecture, actually, later this year. We’re very excited about it. I think it’s progressed extremely well. It’s the next big step in sort of innovation around the data centre architectures.
From what we know so far we can conclude that the AMD CDNA2 architecture power the next generation AMD instinct HPC accelerator models. And out of this model is one of the models is the famous Instinct MI200 which will be featuring the Aldebaran graphics processing unit.
Some rumours suggest the first graphics card to showcase the MCM module will be the Instinct MI200. This latest accelerator will provide competition with Intel and their 7nm Ponte Vecchio. It will also go head-on with NVIDIA and their updated Ampere structure.
For more information stay tuned.