Digital extremes revealed its next major expansion: The new war during Warframe’s TennoCon 2021 fan festival. The first information of this expression years ago the release of this new word expansion was delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Finally, it is coming this year and it looks incredible on the 30 minutes trailer gameplay.
This New War expansion is the next main quest in the storyline of Warframe. This quest is the biggest quest which Digital Extreme has created so far. The story of the game is that the main Origin system (contains every world which players explore) is occupied by the Machine army who called Sentients hellbent. This main quest is taking place on earth where Sentients has decimated the human colony of Cetus. The gameplay demo which was released kicks off with a cutscene where Sentients destroying Cetus.
A brand new feature comes with this new expansion is the ability to take control different character which is beyond the player’s chosen Warframe. In the game, the player can play a role of a Grineer soldier which we can see on the demo. Later in the game players can switch their perspectives for controlling Veso who is a Corpus engineer. Later in the game player can control Teshin too. Teshin is the most popular character of the previous Warframe story quest.
Incredibly, there are many new features in this New War expansion.