Netflix has dropped the trailer of the second season of Masaba Masaba. The well-known fashion designer Masaba Gupta is the daughter of Neena Gupta who has currently expressed huge love and appreciation for her famous biographical drama series, Masaba Masaba. The first season of the series got a huge response from the audience, she is very glad after getting a positive response from the audience.
In her Instagram account, Masaba Gupta also has shared a clip of the video in which it depicts all the entire cast and crew of Masaba Masaba for the sets, as they wanted to begin the filming of the latest season of the series. It also provides a sneak peek of some behind-the-scenes images.
She also assured all her fans that the series is contained with ‘twice the drama’, ‘twice the fashion’ and ‘same number of Masabas’ in the coming season. She also depicts the beginning of the shooting of the series.
The first season of the series was released on Netflix on 28th August 2020. The series depicts Masaba and her mother, Neena Gupta in the lead role. The series has explored the life of Masaba depicts her family and also her career as a designer. It is also included some other cast members like Satyadeep Mishra in the role of Vinay, Neil Bhoopalam in the role of Dhairya, Pooja Bedi in the role of Geet Chopra, Tanuj Virwani in the role of Manav, and many more.
Here is the trailer: