ZEE 5 has dropped the trailer of Vikrant Massey and Kriti Kharbanda, featuring film 14 Phere. It is directed by Devnashu Singh of the fame from ‘Ferrari Ki Sawari’; at the beginning of the trailer, it will remind you about the time of pre-pandemic college times that it had its own romances.
This film will represent Vikrant Massey and Kriti Kharbanda as a perfect pair that has provided a glimpse in this mixture of entertainment, romance, and comedy, with actors mainly defining several tones of various types of acting from the entertainment world of Mumbai.
The film’s trailer gives some hints about Vikrant and Kriti who are visiting for the double wedding arrangement to navigate along the conservative household having the resistance of the idea of love marriages.
The director Devanshu Singh has said that this film will be the second OTT release of Vikrant Massey in the span of the month. This movie is mainly a close-knit, fun family film in which you will watch that bonding and emotional values are very precious.
The movie has celebrated the family institution and marriage, and he also said that they are not going to fun with the traditions and customs. It is a family film. He confirms that you would have a good time.
Kriti Kharbanda also has said that she remembers the first time she read the script of this film. This film contains drama, emotion, relatability and has a strong character Aditi who has become a part of the personality in many ways. She is very excited about releasing of the film.
Release Date
The film has been set to premiere on 23rd July 2021 on ZEE 5.
Here is the trailer: