Apex Legends gets a new map of the arena on July 13th. The new arena maps are called Overflow. This map is lane-focused. Respawn told how this new map changes the experience of the game Apex Legend 3v3 mode.
Dave Osei, designer of Respawn told that “When we originally set out to make Arenas maps, we were testing many different configurations of what type of map could work with our sandbox of guns and legend abilities,”. Â “We had larger maps, smaller maps, lane-focused maps among a bunch of others.
The two that were most fun are the two that shipped at launch–Party Crasher and Phase Runner. We learned from those two that what felt most fun was two main POIs and an open centre to push players to make meaningful choices. Now that the mode has been out for a while, we can begin experimenting with new layouts to bring variety.”
The previous maps have two big interests which stand opposite to each other, and a big middle section so the player can see what the opponent squad is doing and play accordingly. But in overflow map don’t have any middle place so the opponent could not see opponents. To win in this map player, need to react very fast.
Osei announced that “Overflow takes a different approach with its centre.” Â “It’s much tighter with catwalks, so expect lots of over-under gameplay where players can flank to their heart’s content and outmanoeuvre their opponents if they choose to. Experimenting with height differences and focused lane combat leads to a really fun and unique map that plays much different than those at launch.
We still believe that Arenas maps are best when fights are proactive, strategic, and encourage different engagement distances. Going forward, we may still have two main POIs but we have ideas on breaking our initial formula for more unique experiences.”
Overflow’s design is like the games Valorent and CS: GO. Osei said that we design map gunplay in the mind. We are sure that the player of the game had fun while playing the game and be encouraged healthy combat.
The Season 10 of the game will begin on 3rd August. But respawn never confirmed the start date.