Netflix has finally dropped the first trailer of Taapsee Pannu’s upcoming film Haseen Dillruba. We will see a messy love triangle that Taapsee will indulge in a game of love, lust, deceit, and also even murder. Vikrant Massey and Harshvardhan Rane will play lead roles. This series is directed by Vinil Mathew. It has been written by Kanika Dhillon who also has got credit for the screenplay and also dialogues.
The trailer of the series begins with the introduction of Rani Kashyap(Taapsee Pannu), who is very proud of her sexuality. This woman is a big fan of ‘Dinesh Pandit’, who is a writer of pulpy fiction in Hindi. This terrible woman becomes married to Rishu. Rishu has lost his heart at his first glance at Rani. He is doing crazy things like tattooing her name on his wrist, Rishu is trying his best to keep his newly married bride happy at any costs.
The world of Rani become clash down after her husband become dead at a blast and she is suspected as a victim by the police. The investigation started and as the investigation going deep Rani’s personality layers have got off after finding her to be attracted towards her neighbor(Rane). It leaves some hint about more to Rishu than eye contact.
While the police are interrogating her, she leaves the officer stumped and quotes her favorite writers, and says that true love is not complete without a splatter of blood. She shares that every story has a different side only it depends on who is narrating it.
The trailer of the series really keeps you curious and intrigued. Taapsee and Vikrant would keep you just hooked up with their performances. Harshvardhan will be an absolute temptation. It will be very exciting to see Aditya Srivastav back as an onscreen CID fame of the police officer.
Taapsee Pannu has said that after hearing the basic idea from Kanika she has a strong gut feeling. It has also revealed that she was not the first choice for the filmmakers. In that context, she said that it has come to her after all of their options are exhausted. She also said some old quotes that if it is meant to you then definitely it will come to you. This series is not just a beautifully written mystery but also some wonderful characters included like candy to the actor’s hands.
She also has said that she is very happy that she got to the experiment with her new look and also performance in this character as she is definitely not the go-to person with such kind of character conventionally and they all love to take some risks here.
Vikrant Massey also has said that Haseen Dillruba is the perfect mixture of quirk, humor, revenge, and definitely romance. He wishes that it will surprise the audience as it has been surprised him when he has heard it first.
Harshvardhan Rane said some funny fact that Taapsee and Vikrant have one thing in common that he could never understand if they had joking or they had serious. He always tried to look for small nuances to make out the pretext. Haseen Dillruba gives her some precious chance to work with the best filmmakers like Aanand L Rai sir, Vinil Sir, and also Kanika ma’am.
Release Date
At first, this series was set to release in cinemas on 18th September last year. After that, it has been pushed back due to the terrible pandemic situation. Now the T-series and Colour Yellow Productions have set to solve the murder case on 2nd July 2021 on Netflix.
Here is the trailer of Haseen Dillruba: