Intel unveiled two of its new Tiger Lake-U processors, namely the Intel Core i7-1195G7 and Core i5-1155G7. And right after their announcement, the Intel Core i7-1195G7 was benchmarked in Geekbench. According to the benchmark results, the Intel 11th Gen Tiger Lake-U Core i7-1195G7 had some pretty impressive results and even beat out some desktop processors.
According to the results, the Core i7-1195G7 scored between 1662 to 1700 points in single-core benchmark tests. Coming to the multi-core benchmark, the i7-1195G7 scored up to 6005 points. Comparing the scores, the i7-1195G7 outperforms the entire suite of Ryzen 5000 series desktop processors and barely crossing the Ryzen 9 5950X by 3 points. The processor’s performance is extremely outstanding, and when compared to the Core i7-1185G7 and Core i7-1165G7, Intel’s i7-1195G7 outperforms them by a large margin.
Speaking about the specifications of the processor, the Intel 11th Gen Tiger Lake-U Core i7-1195G7 is the flagship low-power Tiger Lake processor. The CPU can achieve high performance using Intel Max Turbo 3.0 technology which allows it to 5.0 GHz single-core turbo clock.
This particular benchmark rating of the CPU is the first third-party benchmark of the i7-1195G7. The processors look to be in a CLEVO NV4XMJ preproduction sample which also has Tiger Lake-U offerings available to purchase currently.
The Intel 11th Gen Tiger Lake-U Core i7-1195G7 won’t be releasing soon and might come along with the Alder Lake series of processors. The second of the two Tiger Lake-U processors, the Core i5-1155G7 was not benchmarked so its performance is still unknown.