According to Japan’s top news agency, Kyodo News, the Tokyo Olympics organizing committee is the latest victim of a data hack. According to the study, the data leak occurred as a result of unlawful access to a Fujitsu Ltd information-sharing platform. According to the sources, personal details were released from roughly 170 individuals involved in security management and who took part in a drill held by Japan’s national cybersecurity center to prepare for any intrusions during the major sporting event.
The Tokyo Games organizers have also been harmed by a computer breach and information leak. Data Breach at the Tokyo Olympics: With less than 50 days till the games begin in the Japanese capital, the organizers and government are stepping up measures to prevent cyberattacks from disrupting the festivities.
The center declined to comment on whether the leaked information was related to the games, and stated that no disturbances in the functioning of any of the organizations targeted had been confirmed.
Names, company titles, and connections of participants from over 90 organizations were disclosed, including the Olympic and Paralympic organizing bodies, ministries, local governments organizing venues including as Tokyo and Fukushima Prefecture, and sponsors of the games.
The following day, Fujitsu President Takahito Tokita apologized to Olympic Minister Tamayo Marukawa for the data leak. Fujitsu is also engaged to manage clients’ computer systems. In late May, Fujitsu announced that the data of some of its corporate clients had been compromised as a result of unauthorized access to the tool, which is used to transmit information between a company’s internal and external partners.
According to the sources, the breach was most likely caused by a malware infestation, but the company is currently looking into the reason and the degree of the damage.
At least 76,000 email addresses of government officials and third parties, such as representatives of panels, as well as research materials on developing a digital government, were breached, according to government entities including the foreign and transportation departments.