On April 20th, 2021, Huawei launched its latest tablets; it was the same day on which Apple shocked the world with its M1 powered iPad Pro 2021. The tablet introduced by the Chinese tech giant is the MatePad T10 and Kirin 820-powered. Both of which are the Wi-Fi 6-enabled MatePad refresh entry into the Japanese market.
Sources indicate that the company is already planning to have its next tablet launch, and this time, it will be held in its home country of China. Reports suggest that the tech giant is expected to unveil a successor to the MatePad Pro during the event.
The tablet will feature HarmonyOS out of the box and may have up to 12.6-inch AMOLED displays with 120Hz refresh rates. It’s expected that the tablet will be extremely pricey and will also be launched on June 2, 2021.
Huawei is also planning to make an early launch for the latest generation of its flagship Watch. The wearable is expected even to support eSIMs for stand-alone connectivity. Furthermore, Digital Changan King asserts that it is to get a Pro variant in 2021.
Should these new tips prove accurate, the Huawei Watch3 and 3 Pro – which might also debut with HarmonyOS – will be revealed on May 19, 2021. During the time of the semiconductor chip crisis and the increasing demand for high-performing devices, Huawei seems to be looking at the opportunity of riding the powered way to increase its market share.