Realme 8 and 8 Pro were launched in India last month in India and both these smartphones are the 4G variants. Before the launch of these smartphones in India, consumers were not sure if the company will consider launching any 5G smartphone of this series or not. This confusion ended when the company launched both the 4G variants of the other two smartphones.
On the day of the launch of the Realme 8 series in India, the company had disclosed that they will launch 5G smartphones of this series very soon. Some reports claimed that the company is at the last phase of its testing on the 5G devices for India and might launch sooner than ever. So we were hoping to see the Realme 8 Pro 5G variant by the month of April.
Now a piece of interesting news surfaced where Realme India Support team had responded to one request tweet from one of its fans claiming that Realme India will launch the 5G variants of both the Realme 8 series devices in India very soon. The tweet done by one of the fans asked if Realme could add 5G with the same specs offered in the device then it would have been great, and on that India support team of the company responded positively. Even asked its fans to keep an eye on their official social media accounts for any further news.
Some reports claim that Realme 8 5G will be the rebranded version of the Realme V13 5G that was launched a few days back in China. The Realme 8 series is unique to the Indian market so it is nearly possible that the company will consider launching an already mass-produced device to launch in another market with a rebranded name.
Whereas, we have no concrete information on the specifications and details of the Realme 8 Pro 5G smartphone. We hope more leaks and rumors will surface as the launch date nears.
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