Realme has launched its Realme 8 series in India a few days ago, but it was a 4G series, Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro. Madhav Sheth, Realme CEO had already confirmed that the company is going to launch a 5G variant of Realme 8 in India very soon and recent reports are coming out, saying that the Realme 8 5G is going to launch in India in April and another big news is that the key specifications of this phone have been leaked out online. However, looking at the specs, it seems like Realme 8 5G is going to launch in India as a rebranded version of the Realme V13 that has been launched in China.
In terms of specs, the upcoming Realme 8 5G runs Realme UI 2.0 based on Android 11 OS and is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 700 chipset. Regarding the display, this phone offers a 6.5-inch IPS LCD punch-hole display having a higher refresh rate of 90Hz and a peak brightness of 600nits.
The SoC of this phone looks to be paired with 6GB/8GB of RAM and 128GB/256GB of internal storage (not confirmed). Coming to the camera section, this phone features a triple rear camera setup supported by an LED flash that includes a 48MP primary sensor along with two 2MP secondary sensors. For selfies, this phone has an 8MP selfie snapper at the front.
The upcoming Realme 8 5G is said to be fueled up b a bigger 5,000mAh battery (charging capacity not known yet). In terms of connectivity, it looks to have everything. This phone carries a thickness of 8.5mm and weighs around 185 grams.
Coming to its pricing, the Realme 8 5G (128GB option) is expected to carry a price tag of ₹17,860 (¥1599/ $243/ €207).
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