As people look for a safer and better alternative to WhatsApp, Telegram’s popularity continues to grow and it has now undoubtedly become one of the most popular chat apps. Last year, the service announced a Voice Chat feature that has now received an updated version, Voice Chat 2.0. The new feature will improve the Voice Chat feature in its entirety by bringing support to Channels and introducing new features.
Telegram Gets Better with New Voice Chat 2.0
The new Telegram Voice Chat 2.0 was spotted in the beta version, and now it has been rolled out to the latest stable version. Once you update the app, the Channel admins will get the ability to start voice chats. Starting a voice chat is easy, the admins will only have to open the profile of any group or channel, press on the three-dot menu icon, and press on the “Start Voice Chat” option.
Another new feature in the update is the Recorded Chats feature that will let the Group and Channel admins record audio from voice chats and then post them for members who were not present in the event. The Recorded Chats can be availed from the Saved Messages.
A Raise Hand feature has been introduced for the muted participants, as they can use this feature whenever they wish to speak. Every time the feature is used, Admins will get to see a new animation. Tapping on that animation will open a pop-up window for the Admin, the window will have an option that allows the participant to speak, open chat, or remove the participant.
The new update also brings a feature that will let admins create separate links for speakers and listeners as they will be able to share invite links to Voice Chats. Admins can also add titles to Voice Chats, which will inform the members about the topic that is being discussed before they join the conversation.
Lastly, the Telegram update will let users choose their channel account or personal account when they are joining the voice chats.