We had already shared the exclusive news of the launch of the Samsung Galaxy M02 in India and the company has finally revealed the exact launch date of the device which is on 2nd February. The launch is scheduled for 1 PM on that day and it will be an Amazon exclusive.
The company has also shared two main features of the smartphone which are, 6.5″ HD+ Infinity V display as well as the 5,000mAh huge battery. More new features of this phone will be revealed in the coming days ahead of launch.
As we already know that, Samsung India is planning to launch the Galaxy M02 in India very soon under INR 7,000 in India. The source says that the company will launch it to strengthen its Powering Digital India Initiative. The price hinted at on the page is Rs.6XXX and this can be either 6999 or 6499, but we still don’t know the exact numbers so it is better to wait and see how the company fixes the pricing.
From the image, we can see that the phone will have a due-drop display as well as dual-rear cameras. These are the current noticeable features of the phone, and there are more to be revealed.