Now, it is too much from Realme. The whole of India has been eagerly waiting for the Realme X7 and X7 Pro handsets and Madhav Sheth (Realme CEO) has been keeping posting different teasers almost every day about the X7 series, but unfortunately, the main smartphones keep delaying. Recently, Madhav Sheth has posted the box packaging designs of the X7 series and asked its users which is going to be the one to carry the X7 and X7 Pro handsets. Apart from the retail boxes, we’ve been confirmed as well that there will be definitely a charger inside. So, it will be not the case with the iPhone 12, Samsung S21, or Mi 11 smartphones.
Let’s try to breakdown the retail boxes image that Madhav Sheth has posted in his tweet. We can see that there are multiple packaging boxes images of a lot of designs of X7 and X7 Pro with Black, Silver, Yellow accents. The third design from the bottom right represents the C color gradient of the X7 smartphone that launched in China.
As of now, we are not confirmed that what is going to be the ultimate design Realme is going to use for the packaging of its X7 series in India. For the Chinese one, the design was quite simple, but this time, it seems to be a bit different from earlier. Moreover, Koustabh Das, Senior Communications Specialist of Realme, has confirmed in a tweet that the X7 and X7 Pro will arrive with a charger inside the box. On the other hand, the rumors and leaks are saying that it will be a 65W faster-charging adapter to come inside the box of the X7 series.
In terms of the other specifications, the X7 and X7 will be launched with 6.4 and 6.55-inch AMOLED 120Hz display respectively and in terms of chipsets, the X7 is said to be powered by the Dimensity 800U chipset whereas the Pro variant is likely to arrive with the Dimensity 1000+ chipset. In both cases, there will be a 64MP quad rear camera setup (or, something more could happen) and for selfies, there will be a 32Mp selfie snapper ta the front.
Also read: Motorola Edge S appears in live images and AnTuTu listing
The exact launch date of the Realme X7 series in India has not been confirmed by the company, but leaks are saying that it would be unveiled early next week/First week of February.