Geekbench is the one spot destination for getting the latest and accurate benchmark results of the tech giants’ upcoming hardware components. Recently an engineered sample of the new Rocket Lake-S has been spotted on the website.
The database entry at the benchmarking website reveals that the Core i5-11400 CPU has the base core frequencies of 2.6 GHz and the boost frequencies can go up to 4.4 GHz. According to sources, the new processor will integrate the new Cypress Cove cores. But it is reported that the new processor will be designed using the 14 nm process node.
However, reports indicate that the good news is that the upcoming CPUs are compatible with existing 400-series motherboards. In terms of performance, the i5-11400 manages to score 1247 points in the single-core tests and 6197 in the multi-core tests.
The new results indicate that the new Rocket Lake-S CPU is about 10% than the Comet Lake and it even manages to outperform the Core i5-10500 that features a higher base and boosts clocks.
It even achieves a performance close to that of the Core i7-8700K but still Intel’s biggest competitor AMD has processors with higher base frequencies. The results indicate that the new processor from the blue team, when compares to the Ryzen 5 3600X, in single-core scores managed to get a tie.
The Rocket Lake-S CPUs scheduled to release this March is supposed to cost less compared to the Comet Lake-S models, so at least Intel could combat AMD on the pricing side.