WhatsApp’s new privacy policy updates had all the users of the service worried about handing over their complete private data to the company. Many even suggested that the social media giant is taking it too far with its new policy. But it seems that WhatsApp is rethinking its terms.
The social media company has stated that it has taken a step back as its sudden policy change has caused confusion and backlash among its user community. WhatsApp stated that it will better explain what data it collects and how the data will be useful to its parent Facebook.
“We’ve heard from so many people how much confusion there is around our recent update. There’s been a lot of misinformation causing concern and we want to help everyone understand our principles and the facts.”
The new policy’s initial deadline was February 8, but now it has been pushed to May 15 amidst backlash from users. WhatsApp has already turned from a personal messaging service to a business model. It is also promoting online sales and has entered the market of digital payment.
The updated privacy policy was intended to alert users that some businesses would soon be using Facebook-owned servers to store messages with consumers. But users are concerned that Facebook would be able to see their private messages as well. WhatsApp said that isn’t true, and that all private messages between friends and family members will remain end-to-end encrypted.
“While not everyone shops with a business on WhatsApp today, we think that more people will choose to do so in the future and it’s important people are aware of these services. This update does not expand our ability to share data with Facebook.”
The miscommunication around WhatsApp’s new policies has helped lead to a spike in user growth for competing apps, such as Signal and Telegram.