Xiaomi has recently launched its most affordable smartphone in the form of the new Mi 10i at just Rs. 20,999, and that has made headlines in the tech world. Getting a 5G ready mid-range smartphone at that price range will attract many users, now to sweeten this deal Reliance Jio has brought the new Jio Xiaomi Mi 10i Cashback Offer.
Also read: Xiaomi Mi 10i launched in India: Everything you need to know about the cheapest 5G phone of India
So, as per this offer, users can now get Xiaomi Mi 10i smartphone with a cashback of Rs.3000/- & additional benefits up to Rs.10,000/-, by simply performing a first Jio recharge of Rs.349/-
Here are the terms and conditions of the offer:
- Cashback of Rs.3000/- will be in the form of 40 discount coupons of worth Rs.75/- each (credited in the MyJio app)
- Other benefits contain discount coupons from partner brands: Myntra, Medlife, Lenskart & more
- Users are eligible for the offer, after the first recharge on or after 6th January 2021
For more details, visit https://www.jio.com/en-in/jio-mi-10i-offer