ZEE5 has dropped the trailer of the original film 420 IPC. It is featuring Vinay Pathak, Ranvir Shorey, Gul Panag, and Rohan Vinod Mehra, it is mainly a courtroom drama depicting that chattered accountant Bansi Keswani, who has been arrested for an economic offence.
When Rohan will play the role of Pathak’s lawyer, Ranvir will be also seen to play the eccentric Parsi public prosecutor, Gul is also playing the role of Pathak’s wife.
420 IPC: Details
In this trailer, Vinay Pathak has been seen as the simple CA and the client has got arrested with the Rs 1200 crore scam. Now he is still reeling with that same. He has also got forged three of the blank cheques from the other client.
This film is mainly ideal with how the lawyer of Pathak will fight to protect him, It has been promised that the film will hook with plenty of twists and turns.
It has been produced by ZEE Studios and Kyoorius Digital P.L. 420 IPC and also has been directed by Manish Gupta. While talking about the film the director said in a statement, ” after exploring murder mysteries and also false rape cased with such previous movies, I wanted to make a suspense film that would not contain a violent crime and also had the subtle humour.
I had got the idea for 420 IPC during my extensi8ve there years of research for the section 375 that has brought me face to face with court procedures in economic offence cases and which I found to be an unexplored premise for a film”.
In this film Vinay Pathak on his part, and has been mentioned that has believed that the power of the writing actually what is mainly attracting him to 420 IPC. He said, “It’s a tight script written by Manish Gupta with man edgy plot which will keep the audience hooked till the last of the frame. I play a simple family man, and a chartered accountant, who finds himself in the midst of a scam”.
The son of Vinod Mehra, Rohan Mehra who is going to make his digital debut with the project added, ” With a plethora of content choices out there, it is my endeavor to offer something unique and also edgy to my fans: 420 IPC is just the kind of film I was waiting to dip of my feet in, and I am elated that I Could be an integral part of it”.
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