The 2024 Crunchyroll Anime Awards, a star-studded event celebrating the vibrant world of anime, recently took place in Tokyo, Japan. The live ceremony was broadcast globally and featured an array of global celebrity presenters, along with captivating musical performances, making it a truly unforgettable celebration of the anime community.
Amidst the glitz and glamour, the event was graced by an esteemed lineup of celebrity presenters, reflecting the widespread appeal of anime across various entertainment spheres. Notable personalities such as Megan Thee Stallion, LiSA, Iman Vellani, Phil Lord & Chris Miller, DeMarcus Lawrence, Mercedes Varnado, Rashmika Mandanna, Bong Joon Ho, Labrinth, Liza Soberano, and many others shared the stage to reveal the winners across different categories.
Moreover, the pre-show for the Anime Awards was a star-studded affair as well, featuring renowned names from the music, entertainment, and influencer realms. The musical segment of the ceremony was equally enthralling, with performances by acclaimed artists such as Hiroyuki SAWANO, KOHTA YAMAMOTO, Shing02, OMA, SPIN MASTER A-1, YOASOBI, and more. The show also paid homage to beloved anime series through a special orchestral performance, adding a touch of grandeur to the proceedings.
This year’s Anime Awards witnessed a record-breaking 34 million votes cast by dedicated fans from around the world, underscoring the global impact and fervent engagement surrounding anime. Countries such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Mexico, Spain, and the United States showcased remarkable enthusiasm, exemplifying the widespread love for anime on a global scale.
Rahul Purini, President of Crunchyroll, expressed gratitude for the overwhelming fan participation and highlighted the profound influence of anime in shaping pop culture and fostering connections among global enthusiasts. The event was supported by Sony Music Solutions, further amplifying its scope and impact.
The 2024 Anime Awards will soon be available for streaming on Crunchyroll’s official YouTube and Twitch channels, offering audiences worldwide an opportunity to relive the magic and excitement of this monumental celebration.
With their star-studded lineup, thrilling musical performances, and fervent global participation, the 2024 Crunchyroll Anime Awards stand as a testament to the enduring power and allure of anime in the contemporary cultural landscape.